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Agile 2022

Facilitating WIA and Salon sessions.


Focusing on the theme of Rising through the Pandemic, I'll speak about the The Agile Mindset and how it supported us therough the pandemic - at work, home and society at large.


Bay Area Agile Coaching Circles, San Francisco, USA (Remote)

Join me on a Q&A panel with various coaches where you can bring your Scrum and Agile related questions.


Agile Amsterdam 2020, NL

Looking forward to speaking in Amsterdam!

Cancelled due to Covid-19


Mile High Agile 2020 
Denver, Colorado

I'll be presenting the popular ScrumMaster Toolkit. Excited to be a part of their 10th anniversary!

Cancelled due to Covid-19 - See you in 2021!

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Open Space Conference with Keynote by Mary Poppendieck

I'll be facilitating the Open Space. Bring your stories and topics for discussion!


Agile Arizona 2019
Phoenix AZ, USA

Join me in this session as we learn and practice some new tools to help build your ScrumMaster kit.

Session Video Link


Agile Day NYC 2019
New York City NY, USA

I'll be opening up the day with an energizing session using Liberating Structures. Join me to experience the fun start of this anniversary conference first hand!


Agile Day NYC 2018
New York City, USA

I'll be facilitating the Open Space. Bring your stories and topics for discussion!


Scrum Gathering 2018 
London, UK

I'll be attending the conference and looking forward to learning new things, enhancing my knowledge, meeting friends - old and new from the global Agile space and networking to meet folks like you! Hope to see you there.

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Agile Day NYC 2016
New York City, USA

As Conference Chair, I'm excited to bring a full days programming of amazing international thought leaders!


Agile Day NYC 2014
New York City, USA

Looking forward to learning new things, enhancing my knowledge, meeting friends - old and new from the global Agile space and networking to meet folks like you! Hope to see you there.


Agile Day NYC 2012
New York City, USA

Looking forward to learning new things, enhancing my knowledge, meeting friends - old and new from the global Agile space and networking to meet folks like you! Hope to see you there.


Practical Product Discovery


Master Your Art, Shape By Shape is back by request! If you've missed it in the past, join me at this incredible virtual event with 20 World Class Speakers.


Agile Arizona 2020
Phoenix AZ, USA (Remote)

Join me in this session as we learn the basics of visualization and how you can Master your Art, Shape by Shape!



Agile 2020 
Florida, USA

I'll be facilitating a Stalwarts session.


Cancelled due to Covid-19

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Scrum Gathering 2020 
New York City, USA

I'll be attending the conference and looking forward to learning new things, enhancing my knowledge, meeting friends - old and new from the global Agile space and networking to meet folks like you! Hope to see you there.

Cancelled due to Covid-19

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Agile Paris Tour 2019 Paris, France

I'll be the only speaker presenting 2 sessions in Paris this year! Both promise to be engaging and fun so you can take new skills back with you immediately.

Session Video Link 1
Session Video Link 2


Mind The Product 2019
London, UK

Looking forward to learning more tricks and tips from a product focused angle and meeting more Product folks to gain their perspective.


Agile 2019
Washington DC, USA

I'll be attending the conference and looking forward to learning new things, enhancing my knowledge, meeting friends - old and new from the global Agile space and networking to meet folks like you! Hope to see you there.

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Agile 2018 
San Diego CA, USA

I'll be attending the conference and looking forward to learning new things, enhancing my knowledge, meeting friends - old and new from the global Agile space and networking to meet folks like you! Hope to see you there.


Agile Day NYC 2017
Pleasantville NY, USA

I'll be opening the day with my keynote on Opportunity Spaces and facilitating the full day session to identify Organizational Impediments.


Agile Day NYC 2015
New York City, USA

Looking forward to learning new things, enhancing my knowledge, meeting friends - old and new from the global Agile space and networking to meet folks like you! Hope to see you there.


Agile Day NYC 2013
New York City, USA

Looking forward to learning new things, enhancing my knowledge, meeting friends - old and new from the global Agile space and networking to meet folks like you! Hope to see you there.


Agile Day NYC 2011
New York City, USA

Looking forward to learning new things, enhancing my knowledge, meeting friends - old and new from the global Agile space and networking to meet folks like you! Hope to see you there.

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