Focusing on the theme of Rising through the Pandemic, I'll speak about the The Agile Mindset and how it supported us therough the pandemic - at work, home and society at large.
Bay Area Agile Coaching Circles, San Francisco, USA (Remote)
Join me on a Q&A panel with various coaches where you can bring your Scrum and Agile related questions.
Agile Arizona 2019
Phoenix AZ, USA
Join me in this session as we learn and practice some new tools to help build your ScrumMaster kit.
Session Video Link
Agile Day NYC 2019
New York City NY, USA
I'll be opening up the day with an energizing session using Liberating Structures. Join me to experience the fun start of this anniversary conference first hand!
Master Your Art, Shape By Shape is back by request! If you've missed it in the past, join me at this incredible virtual event with 20 World Class Speakers.
Agile Paris Tour 2019 Paris, France
I'll be the only speaker presenting 2 sessions in Paris this year! Both promise to be engaging and fun so you can take new skills back with you immediately.
Session Video Link 1
Session Video Link 2